Class: Class
compounds and reactions are represented as classes in Rhea
URI: rhea:Class
- AbstractReaction - Grouping class for all three reaction forms
- Compound - A chemical compound
- ReactionParticipant - A reaction participant. Contained in a reaction side.
- ReactivePart - A reactive part in a generic compound, with a defined chemical structure. A subclass of a given ChEBI chemical entity.
Referenced by Class
- None subClassOf 0..1 Class
- id 1..*
- Range: Uriorcurie
- Example: None
- comment 0..1
- Range: String
- Example: RHEA:51568 part of RHEA:51564. None
- type 0..1
- Range: Uriorcurie
- label 0..1
- Range: String
- Example: 3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)pyruvate + L-glutamate => 2-oxoglutarate + L-tyrosine None
Other properties
Mappings: | |