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Slot: subtype of (subtype_of)

A subtype_of relationship holds between C and P if C is a more specialized form of P. Here C and P denotes instances of OWL classes, where C and P both function as grouping class

URI: chemrof:subtype_of


Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
AtomGroupingByProperty Example: metal atom no
AcidBaseConflationClass A molecule grouping class that can groups an acid together with all its conju... no
ChemicalGroupingClass Instances of this class represent generic chemical concepts that can be used ... yes
AtomGroupingClass A grouping class that classifies atoms yes
ReactionGroupingClass A grouping class for reactions, for example, dehalogenase; breaking of covale... yes
AcidAnionGroupingClass A molecule grouping class that groups the different ion forms of the base of ... no
AtomGroupingByPeriodicTablePlacement no
MonomericPolymericGroupingClass no
PhysicochemicalEntityGroupingClass yes
MoleculeGroupingClassDefinedByComponents A grouping class defined as an exhaustive list of components no
AtomGroupingByPeriodicTableGroup Example: p-block atom no
MolecularComponentGroupingClass A grouping class that classifies molecular components yes
MoleculeGroupingClass A grouping class that classifies molecules yes
ChemicalSaltByCation A grouping class for a chemical salt named by cation no
GeneralizedMolecularStructureClass A molecule grouping class that can be written using a chemical formula using ... no
AtomGroupingByPeriodicTableBlock Example: group 13 atom no
GroupingClassForAcidsOrBases no
MolecularDerivativeGroupingClass A grouping class defined as a derivative of another molecule or molecular gro... no
MaterialGroupingClass A grouping class that classifies materials yes
ChemicalGroupingByCharge A grouping class that refines a charge-neutral entity yes
GroupingClass Instances of this class represent generic concepts that can be used to group... yes
MoleculeGroupingClassDefinedByAdditionOfAGroup A grouping class defined in terms of a derivative of a molecule and the addit... no
ChemicalSaltByAnion A grouping class for a chemical salt named by anion no
GeneralAcidBaseGroupingClass A molecule grouping class that can groups an acid together with all its conju... no
ChemicalSaltGroupingClass A grouping class for a chemical salt no



  • metasubclass of

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:

LinkML Source

name: subtype_of
description: A subtype_of relationship holds between C and P if C is a more specialized
  form of P. Here C and P denotes instances of OWL classes, where C and P both function
  as grouping class
title: subtype of
- metasubclass of
- wd:P2445
- rdfs:subClassOf
rank: 1000
is_a: chemical_to_chemical_relationship
- owl_subclass_of
domain: OwlClass
multivalued: true
alias: subtype_of
- GroupingClass
range: OwlClass
required: false